River and Rowing Museum

Marlow & Henley
Dive into the art and stories of the river with us, either online or from our award-winning building on the banks of the River Thames. With the river at our heart, there is always so much to see and do – why not…
  • Explore the richly varied artwork of celebrated modern British artist John Piper who lived and worked locally

  • Discover the special environment and wildlife on our doorstep

  • Be inspired by the incredible achievements and technology from the international sport of rowing

  • Uncover the hidden secrets of Henley on Thames and the people who made it the town we love

  • Enjoy our immersive Wind in the Willows experience, beloved by young and old alike

Please note, The Museum is temporarily closed for important building works for 6 months from October 2022 so find us online until the Spring! Be sure to check our website for the latest information on what is open and when, and for rich content on all of our core themes while our doors are closed. We have highlighted objects and stories to explore from the comfort of your own home. If you are going to be in the locality of the museum in person, you can download our family riverside trails to make the most of our special setting.
